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We’re upgrading our production facilities—orders will ship on February 1, 2025. Thank you for your patience! . Courier weigh bill numbers will be emailed. (please provide your email address at checkout)
Ek het 'n rukkie terug 'n cranberry-masker by een van die Xmast-mark gekoop en heeltemal vergeet dat ek dit gehad het. My 16-jarige seun het 'n probleem gehad met veluitbrekings en aknee en ek het voorgestel dat hy die masker probeer gebruik. Na ongeveer 2 tot 3 weke se gebruik het hy 'n merkwaardige verskil in sy vel opgemerk & die meeste van die puisies het skoongemaak & sy vel het so goed gelyk. Hy gebruik die masker op 'n gereelde basis en is baie bly om 'n probleemvrye, mooi vel te hê.
Terugvoering op Cassie:Haar lyk fantasties! Kan ek n bestelling insit vir die produk. Dankie Lana, ek is baie tevrede.
Eerstens - komplimente. Ek het al van Maart af 'n inflammatoriese reaksie in my vel aan die gang. Dit het met nuwe produkte en microneedling en hare kleur begin. Produkte gestop, hare vir 3 maande nie gekleur nie en geen behandelings gehad nie en steeds lae-graadse inflammasie gehad wat jeukerig was sodat ek nie 'n grimering gedra het vir die laaste 4 maande nie. Na 5 dae op jou gesigreeks is die inflammasie weg.
Die baba seep is baie goed vir my kleuter met ekseem en sensitiewe vel maar sal dit gebruik al het sy nie ekseem nie. Dit is regtig bevogtigend. Hou daarvan
Ek is absoluut mal oor die dagroom en oogroom. Sedert ek hierdie produkte gebruik het, het ek 'n merkbare verskil in my vel gesien. My gesig- en oogarea lyk gevoed, helderder, sagter, gladder en gehidreer. Die pofferigheid en sakke onder my oë het aansienlik verminder en my oogarea lyk fermer en jonger. My eerlike opinie is dat die oogroom verreweg beter en beter is as sommige van die groot handelsmerke daar buite en ek sal dit beslis in die toekoms gebruik. Dit word sterk aanbeveel.
I wash my face with the goat’s milk soap first and then follow with the 3 step skincare. Within 2 weeks my skin clear up completely, and best of all I introduced all my friends, family to your range!
I just wanted to let you know how much I’m loving your products. My skin feels amazing. Like honestly, I’ve recommended it to so many people!
Hi Zéne. I must really be crazy about your soaps that I’m messaging at this time. The Good stuff is out of Ylang ylang & neroli soap. Please let me know where I can find a few bars in the box tomorrow in the Southern suburbs. I’m in Newlands. Kind regards Razia
I'm buying a bulk supply of Chardine's fragrance free milk bath soak every 3 months for 5 years now. It's incredibly nourishing and makes my skin super soft. I have very sensitive, dry skin and this is the only product that leaves my skin comfortable, smooth and itch free. Thank you
Morning Zene, I love the soap which I previously bought via Faithful to Nature. I'm trying the lotion now and I have been really impressed with how moisturising and soothing it is.
I like the goat's milk soap because it is gentle on my skin. I have sensitive skin - and I've tried other natural products before, but my skin was still very irritable. My Doctor (Dr Bhana) recommended me to use your brand of soap and within 2 weeks my skin felt better. I'm happy with the product and that is why I continue to use it.
I bought the products for my daughter, she is 15 years old and suffers with severe eczema. I bought the baby range as I didn't know how her skin would react. My daugther has used the soap and has done 2 bath soaks over 2 days and we see a huge difference in her skin. It totally works and I'll definately be purchasing again. Thank you so much.
I'm impressed with the liquid gel wash rose geranium and it smells wonderful and I absolutely love your goat's milk bath soak!